Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring-Summer Show Schedule

April 18 & 19 West Palm Beach
May 2 & 3 Melbourne
May 16 & 17 Orlando
May 23 & 24 West Palm Beach
June 6 & 7 Tampa
June 27 & 28 Kissimmee
July 4 & 5 West Palm Beach
July 11 & 12 Melbourne
July 25 & 26 Deland

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Items, and a Couple Company Adjustments

Hey Everybody! Donald from Bestshot here. We got some brand new optics coming in! Below is a list.

New Red dots include:
Our Eotech-styled RD551 that illuminates Red OR Green. $172.00
The Tactical RD1X34 Red/Green $152.00
And The RDM4 with an integrated mount AND a Flash Guard $152.00

New Scopes Include:
The 2003RAO2500 4X32 Adjustable Objective Tactical Scope R11 mildot reticle $132.00
Target-30 8-32X50 A new target scope with a 30mm tube in R6 $222.00
Target-30 10-40X50 Another new target scope with a 30mm tube in R6 and in our sniper reticle R14 $252.00

New Lasers Include:
EL5 Red - now with easy adjustment knobs $182.00
EL5 Green - now with easy adjustment knobs $232.00

Also The company is going through a big change right now. Details are listed below.

Please note that anything now marked IJK Optics will still be made in the Slovak Republic, but is now assembled in the Hong Kong or in China. The value of the Euro is going up and the value of the US Dollar is going way down, so this change is to keep our costs low in this time of economic stress. And to pass on the savings to you. This is not going to be an immediate change, as we still have plenty of Eagle Eye Optics in stock. The time to buy an optic is now since we still have inventory of European made and manufactured items. We have yet to have any IJK Optics arrive in yet. It is important to note that all of our new optics listed above will only be available as IJK optics. The quality standards will still be the same as before and IJK optics will still have a lifetime warranty. This was a very tough decision for Istvan J. Kovary to make however it was to serve the customer with the best value available.

As for the Gun and Knife Shows, we have been doing extremely well. We have had many repeat customers coming in and bringing friends with them. We appreciate any repeat business. We are also now Mounting and Sighting optics for $40.00 at the shows. We are the only ones running the Florida Circuit that do this. We will sight other peoples optics, but we quote for job. Its a time consuming process. A good 20-30 minutes and we’re usually done.

In unrelated news, I will be attending the Metallica concert in Sunrise, Fl. Tickets to the event were an early birthday present to me. The concert is Oct 1st.

Okay, Thats about everything I’ve got. Keep checking the site for updated show info, and keep seeing us at the shows. Don’t forget to bring your guns for mounting and sighting, I WILL save you money (gas for a trip to the range, and the price of a box of ammo which is high right now).

~Donald Of Joseph Dyer’s Bestshot

Lakeland 15th-16th November '08

Wow, What a Crowd!!! The Lakeland Customers really had a good show to purchase at, And the vendors most I talked to did well! We had a very good weekend and probably the best Lakeland show for us in our History.

The post election FUD is driving sales for most of the vendors!

You say what is FUD? This is an acronym coined by Jeff Knox Son of the lateNeal Knox, (Fear Uncertainty or Doubt) Maybe this is the change we were hearing about! It makes me worry that the best of the American people have to fear the Government when the Government is supposed to fear us!!!

I heard today that 5.56×45 will be the currency of the future and if you have seen the prices you will probably agree. I looked for any 30-06 ammo and all I could find was some pre WWII corrosive stuff being sold as a collectible. Genrally ammo prices are through the roof with no return in the future. If you can find a reasonable source put it away for the rainy day.

On the Ar-15 scene Anvil Arms is taking orders for recievers for delivery in March 09 , Jon believes business has increased 500% and it takes him 2-3 days to answer emails because of the surge in business.

Our tactical Optic sales are overwhelming, The Sniper Scopes Tactical Scopes and Red Dot Optics are on the top of the moving list. Thanks to You if you are one of our customers Many Thanks to You! You will be glad you bought the item, and You will be proud to show it off ! Our optics Quality is something We are very proud of.

Five years ago I would have never dreamed We would be doing The Show Circut and be as happy about it as we are! I guess when Firearms have been your life since childhood, and the lifestyle really fits the family and everyone has adjusted to it. It was the right thing to do.

If you have not looked at our Optics line and you have a 50 BMG Rifle give us a shot! You will be very happy I have sold many a Sniper Scope to people with Armalite’s and Barrett’s some of these poor people went through 8 to 10 different brands before they bought ours! The others just do not measure up when the internals are laying in the tube bottom after the first shot. You will get a Cracker Jack deal from us and we back up our stuff! Best of all we just may save you $600.00 to $900.00 and you will be bringing your buddies in to meet us at the next show. How do I know this? It happens more often at every show. And to the guys that are doing this you are awesome and the Optics God will never forget about you!

Thanks and Keep Your Powder Dry!

Man of Many Guns

West Palm Beach Oct 10th '08

We love to come here this is the best show on the circut, Yes you heard me right the Westies are the best customers they are not afraid to try new things and are not afraid to spend some cash!

I better mention the Promoter Sport Show Specialists, These Guy’s are the best Promoter we have dealt with! Thanks Bill, Adam, Richard, Karl and anyone else behind the scenes I do not mention! You are the best and if anyone says you are not, let me know I may have to tussle with them!!!!

We are at the Fairgrounds on 11 and 12th October and We are bringing some new items a new Mini Holographic sight that adjusts to ambient light also some new Sniper Scopes 4-16×40mm &50mm Just in from Europe.

We are hearing that Eagle Eye Optics name will change to IJK Optics! The Factory will remain in Bratislava in the Slovak Republic maintaining the same great quality standards as we are used to. We will also make the change in our website and on any other items as the new boxes come in.

We have had an update on our new AR-15 SBR’s from Anvil Arms the BATFE has cashed our check for the tax stamps! So Donald and I will have our new 7-1/2′’ and 11-1/2′’ barreled rifles soon and we will be grinning from ear to ear! Betty has had her AR for a week now and is going to decide on an optic this weekend, We built her a custom AR on an Anvil Arms Lower with a Hand picked GI M16A1 upper added a full length Quad Rail. We will post a picture of her with it after she picks out Her mounting system and optics.

If You can make it to the show stop in and talk to us! We all love to talk and meet people and celebrate our Second Amendment Rights with other like minded people.

Remember Ted Nugent said, If Guns kill people mine must all be defective! (My Hero) Wango Tango!!!

See you at the show! Visit our site Joe Dyer (Man Of Many Guns)

New Ar's

As some of you who see us at the shows may have heard, we are getting a couple of short barreled AR-15’s made by Anvil Arms. They will be legal NFA Short Barreled rifles. They will feature some of our Command Arms (CAA) products, as well as our Eagle Eye Optics. When they are finished we will have pictures up on the site, and you can see them at the shows.

Also we apologize for the long wait you have had to endure for a site update. We’ve been so busy with new product lines and sales, among other things(such as the Graduation and upcoming Eagle Scout ceremony of of our son, Donald).

Over the next few days, watch for our new knives, badges, CAA products, and Rhino Flashlights to appear on the site, as well as some updated prices on optics.

New Items and Offers

We welcomed in a few new items to our inventory, some of which include some mounts and some new spotting scopes. We also said goodbye to those ugly black boxes and repackaged them in the visually pleasing blue boxes! It is sad to say that we had to bid farewell to the silver spotting scopes as well as the BZH 11 (our only rubber coated scope) We have ordered more of the fan favorites such as red dots, red/green dots, red and green lasers, and some of our tactical/railed scopes.

We even offer combo deals occasionally so be on the lookout for good deals at our shows. We've been offering a bunch of new combos involving the tactical railed scopes and red dots. Come see us at the shows!

New Years, New Possibilities!

Merry belated Christmas to all of you, And Happy New Years as well!!!!

We ended out the year wonderfully, and are eagerly awaiting the new year. A whole new year in which to meet new customers, and possibly release some new items to our line ;)

We are happily looking into the new year, with many hopes in mind. We hope to see you at a show soon!

Our next show will be this weekend (January 5th and 6th) in Orlando.