Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Items, and a Couple Company Adjustments

Hey Everybody! Donald from Bestshot here. We got some brand new optics coming in! Below is a list.

New Red dots include:
Our Eotech-styled RD551 that illuminates Red OR Green. $172.00
The Tactical RD1X34 Red/Green $152.00
And The RDM4 with an integrated mount AND a Flash Guard $152.00

New Scopes Include:
The 2003RAO2500 4X32 Adjustable Objective Tactical Scope R11 mildot reticle $132.00
Target-30 8-32X50 A new target scope with a 30mm tube in R6 $222.00
Target-30 10-40X50 Another new target scope with a 30mm tube in R6 and in our sniper reticle R14 $252.00

New Lasers Include:
EL5 Red - now with easy adjustment knobs $182.00
EL5 Green - now with easy adjustment knobs $232.00

Also The company is going through a big change right now. Details are listed below.

Please note that anything now marked IJK Optics will still be made in the Slovak Republic, but is now assembled in the Hong Kong or in China. The value of the Euro is going up and the value of the US Dollar is going way down, so this change is to keep our costs low in this time of economic stress. And to pass on the savings to you. This is not going to be an immediate change, as we still have plenty of Eagle Eye Optics in stock. The time to buy an optic is now since we still have inventory of European made and manufactured items. We have yet to have any IJK Optics arrive in yet. It is important to note that all of our new optics listed above will only be available as IJK optics. The quality standards will still be the same as before and IJK optics will still have a lifetime warranty. This was a very tough decision for Istvan J. Kovary to make however it was to serve the customer with the best value available.

As for the Gun and Knife Shows, we have been doing extremely well. We have had many repeat customers coming in and bringing friends with them. We appreciate any repeat business. We are also now Mounting and Sighting optics for $40.00 at the shows. We are the only ones running the Florida Circuit that do this. We will sight other peoples optics, but we quote for job. Its a time consuming process. A good 20-30 minutes and we’re usually done.

In unrelated news, I will be attending the Metallica concert in Sunrise, Fl. Tickets to the event were an early birthday present to me. The concert is Oct 1st.

Okay, Thats about everything I’ve got. Keep checking the site for updated show info, and keep seeing us at the shows. Don’t forget to bring your guns for mounting and sighting, I WILL save you money (gas for a trip to the range, and the price of a box of ammo which is high right now).

~Donald Of Joseph Dyer’s Bestshot

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